Dear Former:

I don’t know why I get such a kick out of seeing you every morning. It’s like a sick, twisted pleasure of mine. I think I’m slightly sadistic like that, but at least my sadism isn’t really causing anyone else pain. It’s just something I take a strange joy in.

As you walk down the street, I giggle. Wow! You really kicked yourself in the balls, didn’t you? You had a decent life at one point. Why’d you go and fuck it up like that? What made you think you’d be better off this way? You’re stuck with only your own two feet as transportation, now. You had a great husband and you guys were at least living decently. Now, you’re 50-something and living with your mother, again.

That sex must really have been worth it, to give up a solid marriage and destroy your life and his for. What? You thought you could fool everyone by saying he was the one cheating?! People know he’s not like that! And, did you really think he wouldn’t find out? I hope it was mind-blowing.

You broke his heart. I hope it breaks yours every day when you walk past and see him with his child waiting on the school bus. Does it burn you like no other that you never had a child with him, but he’s got one with me? Maybe, instead of fabricating a couple miscarriages to make him feel sorry for you, you should have figured out why you’re not ACTUALLY conceiving with him, but I digress. It’s better that way. At least he doesn’t have to worry about supporting your spawn now that you spread your legs for another man and walked out on him.

Does it make you at least a little jealous that I’m more than half your age, and he’s happier with me than he ever was with you? I know you can tell he’s happier. He looks happier. I’ve seen pictures of him from the years you guys were married. He looked stressed, overworked, and tired. Now? He’s more relaxed. Yes, he’s got more on his plate with us, but at least he doesn’t have to worry about me constantly fabricating outlandish stories to garner people’s sympathy and at least he doesn’t feel he has to stick up for a known liar.

So, keep walking past every morning. I enjoy it. It makes me giggle, even if I’m not showing it on the outside. We can tell you’re not happy every time you look at him and our son. That look of utter dismay and shock the first time you realized who he was told us all we needed to know.

The only thing I wish is that just one night I could be a fly on the wall for your dinnertime conversations. I bet what I’d hear would be EPIC!

This post is in response to the Daily Prompt.

5 thoughts on “Dear Former:

    1. Nah. Not really. She obviously got a job somewhere near where we live. Her mother’s house is about a mile directly south of us, so if her new job is north of us, she has to walk past to get there. It’s just something I get a stupid kick out of. It’s been 8 years and nothing has changed for her, while SO much has changed for him. HE never would have ended the marriage. He isn’t like that, but since she did, he wasn’t going to stop her. Now, she’s got nothing. She doesn’t even have a car. It’s like regressing for her, considering how hard he worked for the two of them, but he’s so much better off thanks to her. It’s just something I was thinking about, because I saw her this morning, again.


  1. First off I’ve been writing for a while and I’ve never commented on anyones blog post. I was completely floored when I read this. Not because you write about it but the fact that your observations are pretty awesome.

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